School Council
What does it do?
A school council does a number of things:
The school council meets with Mrs Benton - to discuss and sort out problems. Members of the school council will be responsible for carrying out the ideas that have been agreed, book monitoring, pupil voice, etc.
How do they become a member?
Each year, every class will normally elect 2 representatives to be members of the school council.
What do we do?
Our school council are focused on school improvement and have created their own school improvement plan that supports the one created by Mrs Benton and the leadership team.
As a school council we have :
monitored books
conducted pupil voice
voiced our opinions on how the school should be improved
approved the design of the new playground
created an attendance letter for parents whose children are late
supported in attendance meetings with parents
We also visited the Houses of Parliament in London to discover what it was like to be a member of parliament.
So how can we help?
Please come and speak to us to let us know how you would like the school improved. We all wear School council badges to show that we are a member and are happy to voice your ideas.